Alameda County Fair invited us to participate! We gave away small plants and talked up dahlias to whoever was interested.
We meet on the third Tuesday of each month at 7 pm at the
Church of Christ 601 MacArthur Blvd. San Leandro (Except the September meeting which is a members potluck) Our meetings include some business and a great program to encourage, demonstrate, or teach methods of raising more beautiful dahlias. Dahlia related questions are always welcomed. The September 21 meeting will be a members potluck at a private home. We will be celebrating a month of dahlia shows.
Dues are due now!
This little critter is a very BAD BUG!!! It's called diabrotica or cucumber beetle. They are herbivores, meaning they eat our plants, especially our dahlia flowers. There is no easy way to get rid of them. Early in the morning you can do hand to hand combat and squash them, one by one before they start to fly. Insecticides don't seem to work. If one flower is full of them, cut the flower and stick it in a bucket of water. Diabrotica don't swim.
The dahlia show is scheduled for
August 31 and
September 1, 2024
San Leandro Library!!
August 31 and
September 1, 2024
San Leandro Library!!
Our June 2024 meeting was like this, only different .. different location ... Casa Peralta.
At our 2023 June meeting .... Curtis (with the straw hat) showed how to pinch the top and disbud. Super helpful!
Chris explained more about disbudding.
San Leandro Dahlia Society is a group of people who love dahlias and want to share that love with the world. Well, at least with the people in the East Bay. Our members come from the San Francisco area, around San Leandro, and as far away as Brentwood and Modesto. We share successes and failures as well.
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